I was at a diner.
Windows shot out.
Lady next to me shot dead.
Others, too...
I saw six or seven go down.
Car exploded outside.
My car caught on fire.
It was like... like a war.
Some of those things
made it inside the diner.
Started coming after us.
Some good old boy comes chasing them.
Mean son of a bitch had
some kind of hot shit gun, like an M-16.
Starts... shooting around.
Bullets tearing up the place.
I saw one of those things take
thirty hits and keep on coming.
The damn thing had to be dead,
but it kept on coming.
Until it took a hit in the head.
That brought it down.
The only way to stop them,
you have to...
...get them in the head.
I don't know what's going on,
but I know it's not a prison break.
No chemical I ever heard about
can make a dead man walk.
This is something that nobody
has ever heard about or seen before.
This is hell on earth.