This is Harry Cooper.
His wife is calling from the cellar.
They have a sick little girl down there.
My woman's down there, too.
- Mind if we ask who the hell you are?
- She's Barbara. I'm Ben.
- You damn near broke my arm.
- Harry, for God's sake!
- Aren't you going to answer?
- It's all right. Some people up here.
Didn't you hear all the noise?
We could have used some help.
Maybe you can see through walls.
We heard some banging around up here.
It could have been those things.
No, that isn't right.
We heard the girl calling out.
We were just scared.
You want to know the truth?
We were scared to hell.
You live here, Tom?
No... it's my uncle Rege's house.
He and my cousin Satchel.
My uncle is dead, I swear.
I touched him, he was stone-cold dead!
- That's the truth.
- We can talk in the cellar.
We walked on over to be with Satchel.
Radio said there was some trouble.
We didn't see anything.
- We've heard all this before!
- I didn't hear it before, Cooper.
Go on, Tom.
Me and Judy Rose walked over,
as I said.
After ten minutes,
Mr. Cooper came banging on the door.
How did you get here?
You trying to figure out
if somebody's got a car?
Mine is broken down on the interstate,
and the kid doesn't own one.
What about you, Mr. Ben?
You don't exactly look like neighbours.
Truck. Outside. Out of gas.
Gas? Evans City is five miles away.
We can make it on friggin' fumes.
What if we can't?
Are you willing to take that chance?
Besides, Evans City is a war zone.
I've been there.