He went after him like...
I don't know.
- Anybody else in the house?
- No, just them.
Your cousin is dead.
I know he's dead. He shot himself.
When uncle Rege came after him,
I ran down to get the shotgun.
I couldn't imagine shooting uncle Rege.
I couldn't imagine doing
a thing like that.
That's when I told everyone
to go down in the cellar.
- It was my idea.
- It was a good idea.
Look outside.
- Into the cellar.
- No, it's a death-trap.
They may be able to
break through the door.
We'll be cornered down there.
- There's still some way to escape.
- A way out is a way in. The windows!
- We can board them up.
- There's no time...
There's only three of them.
I've handled more by myself.
- The cellar door won't hold them.
- But the windows will?
I don't need this.
If you want to go downstairs, go on!
You can be boss down there,
I'm boss up here.
What are you going to do?
- Come up, we need your help.
- You're crazy!
You're out of your minds!
This is Judy Rose.
Get the shelves from the kitchen.
- We'll board up the windows.
- Tommy, are you sure we'll be all right?
There are things out there
like uncle Rege.
Come on, do what I tell you!