to the thoracic cavity
and the extremities.
Unspecified animal bite adjacent
bullet wound upper left shoulder.
Bullet wound number one,
upper left shoulder.
Second bullet wound
above left nipple.
Third bullet wound
below costal margin to the left.
Jesus! They weren't
taking any chances!
He never raised a hand to me.
He never hurt anyone in his life.
Miss Winston,
everybody has a secret face.
Coffee break.
Sweet dreams.
Where did he die?
What was the name of that town?
it was a place called Midian.
is it always the same dream, then?
Oh, no, it's... Sometimes it's...
it's like I'm... I don't know.
it's like I'm underground.
Maybe Midian,
a place full of monsters
I told you about.
Are you buried alive?
No, not alive.
But you're conscious?
Yeah, but not alive.
I'm dead, but I'm still functioning.
Death is the end.
Not in Midian it isn't.
in Midian, I live forever.