Had to happen sooner or later.
They couldn't hide forever.
it's all right, boy.
it's all right.
Everything's gonna be all right.
What the hell is this?
it was Boone up there.
- Yes.
- But Boone's dead.
- I saw him in the morgue.
- You still don't understand.
You're below now,
with the Nightbreed.
The last survivors
of the great tribes.
- Okay, tribes of what?
- We're shape-shifters. Freaks.
Remains of races that your tribe
have all but driven to extinction.
- So you're not immortal?
- Far from it.
The sun can kill some of us,
like Babette.
Some of us can be shot down.
Others can survive that because
they've gone beyond death.
This is too weird.
To be able to fly?
To be smoke?
Or a wolf?
To know the night and live
in it forever. That's not so bad.
You call us monsters.
But when you dream,