Autót. Ültesd be õket a Chryslerbe!
[@ School get out, baby
Gonna tell you some news @]
[@ Sure do look good
in them baby doll shoes @]
[@ One, two, buckle the shoes
Three, four, get out on the floor @]
[@ 5, 6, come get your kicks down at
the corner of Lincoln and 46th,yeah@]
[@ All right @]
[@ I've been waitin' in school
all day long @]
[@ Waiting on the bell to ring
so I can go home @]
[@ Throw my books on the table
Pick up the telephone @]
[@ Come on, baby @]
- [ Férfi ] Kávét ?
- [ Marylin ] Egy pillanat!
[@ - Heading down to the drugstore
to get a soda pop @]
[@ Throw a nickel in the jukebox
Then we start to rock @]
[@ School's out, baby
Gonna tell you some news @]
[@ You sure do look good
in them baby doll shoes @]
[@ Well, it's one, two
Buckle the shoes @]
[@ Three, four
Get out on the floor @]
[@ 5, 6, come get your kicks down at
the corner of Lincoln and 46th @]
[ Társalgások ]
[@ Gonna rock all night
Just wait and see @]
[ Férfi ]
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky !
[ Ed Sullivan hasonmása ]
Nagy tapsot Ricky Nelsonnak !
- Fantasztikus voltál Ricky!
Köszönjük szépen. - Vincent !
[ Sullivan ] Ricky vissza fog térni a
show második részére,
remélem kellemesen vacsoráznak
nálunk a Jackrabbit Slim'sben.
- Phil-lip Mor-rist kérik...
- Phil-lip Mor-rist keresek.
- Mit szólsz hozzá?