l lived with my parents until l was
23 years old. We all shared the--
Doris, please. Thank you.
Maybe it would be better to wait
a few months to go back to work.
-Go to your AA meetings--
-l want to do this film.
l can go to meetings and work.
l do better when l work.
She's exactly like me
when l was her age.
-l never stopped working.
-l feel l belong, l feel necessary.
lt was good therapy after
my divorce and my miscarriages.
ln those days,
the material was a lot better.
Doris. So you got it right?
These are the conditions
for doing this film.
For the run of the film,
you stay with your mother.
You can have your old room.
Okay, l'll stay with her. You.
You know what they say,
'' No pain, no gain.''
Well, no wonder l'm so hefty.
lf anything, you are too thin.
Now, me. My stomach, that's hefty.
Mom, l was kidding.
l don't get your generation's humour.
l don't have a generation.
Then l think you should get one.
l got it right here.
Morning, l'm Ted. Designed to make
your life a more annoying place to be.
l'm Suzanne, designed to be annoyed.
Then we'll get along just great.
-This, of course, is your--
-My hamster cage.
-Your resting place.
-My final resting place.
l dreamed it would end like this.
Alone in a tiny room with an AM radio.
lt won't end like this,
it'll just middle.
lt'll end in a larger room...
...with air conditioning
and an AM/FM radio.
l have news to cheer you up.
The producer's coming to see you.
One of them.
-How many are there?
The Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost.