Good times and bum times
/'ve seen them all
And my dear, /'m still here
Darn right you are!
Plush velvet sometimes
Sometimes just pretzels and beer
But /'m here
Ten years of braces, voice and tap
Touring in places off the map
Getting auditions on Zanuck's lap
Never fear
My mother drew up the contract
So /'m here
/'ve done commercials
And club dates and talk shows
Gee, that was fun and a half
When you've done commercials
And club dates and talk shows
Anything else is a laugh
Black sable one day
The next day it goes into hock
But /'m here
Top billing Monday
Tuesday you're touring in stock
But /'m here
First you're another true-blue tramp
Then someone's mother
Then you're camp
Then you career from career to career
/'m feeling transcendental
Am / here?
/'ve gotten through,
''Hey, lady, aren't you who's its?
Gee, what a looker you were. ''
Or better yet,
''Sorry, / thought you were who's its.