Postcards from the Edge

Roll plate.
Help. Help me.
Help me!
lt's me!
-Oh, sure! Jack.

-How've you been?
-Great. You?

Great. Okay.
God, l've just had
this long, weird day so....

How long has it been
since we've seen each other?

Oh, too long. Way too long.
Good to see you now.
You too. You going to the reunion?
-What reunion?
-High school.

-You went to Beverly High!
-Where'd you think l knew you from?

l didn't mean it like a question,
''You went to Beverly?''

l meant it in a nostalgic way.
When's the reunion?

End of the month.
You remember Mr. Craverly?
The biology teacher.
lt's terrible what happened to him.
What happened to him?
-Oh, l thought you knew.

He went to this party
and met this girl.

And she seemed tired, sick maybe.
He took her to a restaurant. Maybe
some food would make her feel better.

Next thing you know,
she goes home with him.

-You haven't heard this?
-She goes with him and then what?

He thinks it's a wonderful evening...
