Postcards from the Edge

Nothing what?
Nothing happened. We just talked.
Then you took my Daradil
and fell asleep.

Why? Am l so completely
unappealing to you?

Quite the contrary. lt's just that
you were a little the worse...

...or better for substances,
and l have rules about that.

Didn't Jimmy Stewart say that
to somebody in a movie?

Well, if he did,
then he darn sure should have!

l didn't sleep with you?
-What? Here, right now?
-No. Then. That night.

Well, does this ring a bell?
That rings something. l'm not sure
if it's the memory bell or--

How about this?
That reminds me of something
l should've done before.

Reminds me of something l'd like
to do later so l can look back on it.

l'm nostalgic already.
Did anybody ever tell you
that you smell like Catalina?

Yes, as a matter of fact,
just this morning.

Did anybody ever tell you
that you smell like the future?

'' But l break just like a little girl.''
Oh, hello.
May l help you?
l'm here for Suzanne. Jack Falkner.
Jack. Well, l'm Suzanne's mother.
ls she expecting you?
