Postcards from the Edge

-Don't do this.
-l want to know, because l do for you.

Have feelings.
How many? More than two?
-l won't do this if you make fun of me.

l'm not going to make fun of you.
l am making fun of you.
l'm sorry. l'll stop.
What are you trying to say?
l think l love you.
-When will you know for sure?
-This is hard enough.

You can't be serious.
You just met me.

l'm as surprised as you are.
l thought l'd lost the ability.
With you, l....

l thought l was immune to movie stars.
But l've wanted you from
the first time l saw you on-screen.

And that never happens to me.
You're the realest person
l've ever met in the abstract.

You had a shot in Public Domain where
you looked at the camera, into me...

...and l loved you.
l can't explain it.
You're doing pretty well.
But you're my fantasy, and l want
to make you real.

Let me love you.
You're serious?
l don't know what to say.
-l shouldn't have told you.
-lt's good you told me. lt's very...

Right, because it's a long shot.
You could never love me back.

No, no, no. Well, who knows?
l mean....

You certainly are
infatuation material.
