l love you.
You're crazy.
Stay with me.
Take a risk.
l'm worth the risk, you'll see.
l don't want to see anyone
or smell anyone but you.
l don't know when you're kidding.
l'm serious.
-You'll never be sorry.
You sound like a rug salesman.
My rug salesman.
Do you have any idea
what time it is, dear?
l suppose it never occurred to you that
you scared me by staying out so late.
l was about to call
all the emergency rooms.
l'm sorry, Mama.
l didn't call because l thought
you might be asleep.
l came home because l didn't want
to worry you.
You did worry me.
Look at me. l'm a wreck.
l'm sorry.
What if you'd been out taking drugs
or something?
l'm supposed to be taking care of you.
You're my responsibility.
You're my daughter.
What was l supposed to think
when you didn't come home?
You mind if l have a drink?
Do you mind if l drop acid?
Dear, l drink socially.
l took acid socially.
l hardly think my drinking can be
compared with your drug-taking.