Some bullshit special unit. The feds, the DEA.
If we let those bastards get dug in now,
we'll have to level the building!
- Hijo de puta.
- No, es para mí.
¡Vámonos! ¡Vámonos!
¡Venga! ¡Aprisa!
¡Chíngale! ¡Chíngale!
Come and get it. El Scorpio is ready.
- Sarge, any of your people in the building?
- No.
Let's go.
Lieutenant, can't let you in.
Heinemann's on his way.
Heinemann can kiss my sweet ass! Come on!
Goddamn it. Go with him.
Three, two, one...
Shh. Shh.
Get back, back, back. Back.
Next door over.
Take this room!