Predator 2

I say "Gee, doc, I'm in a big hurry.
Can I just leave my underwear?"

Oh, God.
Achtung, mein Kapitän!
Word is there may be as many as
50 more dead bodies up there.

Oh, man, it's Pope.
That parasite must live in his car.
I'll handle it. PR's my specialty.
Word is they want your ass off the job.
- Tony!
- Who the hell are you?

Your biggest fan!
Catch your show all the time.

- I got a job to do!
- Your job is to root for garbage elsewhere.

- Been inside?
- Yeah. We were gonna go in with our guys...

...but we were told on a radio transmission
nobody goes in under any circumstances.

All units, be advised.
Federal officers will handle investigation.

- We didn't hear that. Let's go.
- You're the boss.

This is Cheryl Tyer reporting live...
Hey, nice flashlight. Mind if I borrow it?
Look familiar?
Oh, God.
Ramon Vega, the crack king.
Biggest operator in East LA. 100 keys a week.
- Why isn't he skinned? And who are they?
- Jamaicans. King Willie's boys.

That makes no sense.
This was a voodoo ritual.
I've seen it before. They took his heart out.

- What for?
- Terror tactics, man.

You know,
to scare the shit out of their enemies.

- King Willie.
- Who the hell is King Willie?

King Willie, voodoo priest of the LA posses.
Ran the terror gangs
for Edward Seaga in Jamaica...

...till he got too powerful.
The Jamaican chiefs
won't make a move without his approval.
