She never made it.
The feds were waiting.
Hustled her off in a chopper.
- Let me guess. A silver Alouette?
- That very one.
And guess what. Your pal Keyes was
running the whole show. And his butt boys.
Son of a bitch.
You done real good, kid.
Now tomorrow, start a tail on Keyes.
Everything he does, everywhere he goes.
Who knows? You might just get lucky.
...is my specialty.
Yeah. I bet it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, Lieutenant,
I got some serious police work to attend to.
Come to Papa.
- Hey, are your balls OK?
- Fine.
How are yours?
- Hey, do you mind? It's my sister.
- Say what?
Oh, you're not my sister.
Son of a bitch.
Who are you really chasing, Keyes?
Time to go to work.