God, not again.
OK, move your ass! Move out the way!
- Watch out! What's happening?
- It's a fucking slaughter, Lieutenant.
Oh, God!
Hey, Jerry!
Oh, Leona! Leona!
Oh, please. Leona... oh.
- How's she doing?
- Deep shock, but she's alive.
I hear foetal heart sounds. She's pregnant.
Let's move. LA County. Stat!
Stand back.
On three. One, two, three. Load up.
Out of my way!
Move out the way! Move it! Move it!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Uh, wait a minute. Let me see.
- Where's Jerry?
- I don't know.
We found his badge.
Who got hit this time?
Five gang members...
...bunch of commuters.
Doesn't make sense.
They were all armed.