-Fingerprints on the glass?
Greer sent it down to the lab.
You mean somebody she let in opened
the windows so it looked like a break-in?
She wasn't going to let some sex maniac
she sent to jail in for a beer.
On the other hand, we're talking Carolyn.
...tell me what Carolyn Polhemus
was doing with a bribery file.
I had no idea Carolyn was interested
in crimes above the waist.
It's on her computer,
but not on mine or the department's.
That makes no sense.
Why don't you ask Raymond?
Ready for something else?
Molto's left.
His secretary came back from lunch
and found his desk cleaned out.
The refuge of the lonely housewife.
Missed the 8:35. I tried to call,
but you weren't here.
Nat had dinner at Josh's,
and I was at the university.
I tried to get in a little extra time
on the mainframe.
Get anything done?