So Dan Lipranzer and Rusty Sabich
will work night and day for two weeks...
...to catch Raymond a killer.
That's the strategy.
You're in charge of this investigation?
Raymond insisted I take it on.
With 1 50 lawyers, they couldn't find one
who didn't fuck her to put in charge?
Did you tell Raymond?
This is a conflict of interest.
Is that professional?
Barbara, I'm Raymond's chief deputy.
You are so predictable.
It's your way of reliving the whole thing.
She's dead and you're still obsessing.
She was just....
-That's it. Very good.
Raymond's pressing hard
on that case, I imagine.
Raymond presses hard on every case, Nico.
You know who would've been hard
to beat? You.
You would've been tough. Very tough.
You are really something.
Where's Tommy Molto?
I thought he'd come to the funeral
of his favorite colleague.
You must really have him scrambling.
Who's that with Raymond?
I'm told that's her ex-husband.
I didn't know she had one.
Teaches college someplace.
Carolyn Polhemus worked for me.
I hired her...