Presumed Innocent

I'd just as soon you'd let it go.
If Barbara sees a phone company
subpoena, now, she'll bust a gut.

Under the circumstances,
if you don't mind...

...l'd appreciate it.
I gave Barbara...
...enough pain.
Polhemus was bad news.
Know what they're calling you
and your partner downtown?

Spare me.
"Mission lmpossible."
Guerasch, bring that shit in my office.
So you're figuring what? The guy
she was having cocktails with did her?

I figure it was somebody who knew
what he wanted it to look like.

Cop. PA. A private dick.
Remember that lady PA
who was here four months ago?

Yeah, nice set of lungs.
This kid's gonna make a copper.
Never forgets a bra size.

He wants to know
what she was looking for.

She was looking for someone
by the name of Noel.

It took me a week to find this crap.
Five years back,
they booked 1 50 a day then.

Public indecency.
They were cleaning out the faggots.
Back when Raymond got some balls
for a day and a half.

-She find anything?
-I don't know.

When I gave these files to her,
they were in nice order.

The bitch just trashed them.
She never gave a shit
about anybody else's work.

One's completely missing. Look.
See right here? It skips a number.
Tommy Molto been looking at these?
What does Molto have to do with this?
Would there still be a court file
on this case?

That far back, it'd have to be in storage
on microfilm by now.

You don't want to say
what this is about, maybe?

Gee, Lionel, I can't.
