He's terrified.
If you're not ready, we'll ask the judge
for a couple more days.
We've got to do it now
or we'll lose him for good.
Your mommy took you to the hospital
because you were hurt.
What part of you was hurt?
My head.
How was it hurt?
Wendell, how did you hurt your head?
I don't remember.
Have you ever seen this?
-In the cellar.
-At home?
Did somebody put your head inside it?
What did you say when somebody
put your head in the vise?
You told me you screamed
when your head was put in the vise.
You told me.
"l promise...
"...l'll be a good boy.
"l'll be a good boy."
Did somebody answer?
Mommy said I was a bad boy
and I deserved to die.
And then what did Mommy do?
She made it tighter and tighter.
On your head?
She hurt my head.
My mommy hurt my head.
No further questions, Your Honor.
The doctors have told us...
...that the wounds...
...that Wendell suffered
could not have come from a fall...
...as the defense would have you believe.
The police told us they found a vise
at the home of the defendant.
Medical experts have testified...
...that the size and the shape
of the jaws of that vise...
...exactly match the size and the shape
of the wounds to the little boy's head.
And this evidence is clear...