- Your coat, Mr. Lewis.
- Thank you.
- Edward !
- Susan !
- Hi.
- Hi. [ Kiss ]
- I was sorry to hear about Carter.
- Oh, yeah. Thanks.
-Heard you got married.
-Well... yeah. I couldn't wait for you !
- [ Laughs ]
- Mmm. Susan, tell me something.
- Yes ?
- When you and I were dating,
did you speak to my secretary
more than you spoke to me ?
She was one of my bridesmaids.
Hmm. Your husband's
a very lucky guy.
- [ Kiss ] Bye.
- Thanks, bye.
- Do you ?
- Absolutely.
- Wonderful.
- He's leaving. Edward's leaving.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
- [ Edward ] ls this Mr. Stuckey's car ?
- [ Speaking Japanese ]
where you goin' ?
- You got the keys to your car ?
- Why, what's wrong with the limo ?
Look, the limo is buried back
there. Darryl can't get it out.
- [ Philip ] Mmm.
- Please give me the keys.
- All right, look.
I don't think you should drive. You're
a little excited. Don't drive my car.
Let me work something out here. Fellas,
what kind of a system is this ?
Can you move these cars out
of here ? Look, Edward.
- Edward. Uh, are you familiar
with a stick shift ?
- Uh, yeah.
- Have you driven a shift ?
Listen, all right.
- Yeah. Yeah.
-Just be ginger with it. It's a new car.
-[ Gears Clash ]
- Don't, uh-- Just don't--
- Okay. I can do it.
- [ Tires Squeal ]
- Edward ! Give me a break, please !
- I love this car.
- I love it too. Look, you don't
even know where you're going.
- You're gonna get lost in the dark !
- [ Tires Squeal ]
- Beverly Hills is down the hill !
- [ Squealing ]
[Music] I don't need
to fall at your feet [Music]
[Music] Just 'cause you cut me
to the bone [Music]
- [ Squealing ]
- [Music] And I won't miss
the way that you kiss me [Music]
- Oh, shit.
- [Music] We were never carved in stone [Music]
[Music] If I don't listen
to the talk of the town [Music]
[Music] Then maybe I can fool myself [Music]
[Music] I'll get over you
I know I will [Music]
[Music] I'll pretend my ship's
not sinking [Music]