[Music] And I'll tell myself
I'm over you [Music]
- [Music] 'Cause I'm the king
of wishful thinking [Music][Music]
- Maps here. Maps.
Have a good one.
- [ Man In Car ]
What do you say, blondie ?
- Hi, honey, want some fun ?
- Hey, baby, you lookin' for a date ?
- Yeah, honey, we're lookin'.
- Here I am.
- I'm Al and this is my friend
Bill. Get in the car.
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Alarm Clock Ringing ]
[Music] Well, I'm just goin' to school
like I'm real, real cool [Music]
[Music] Gotta dance like a fool
Got the message [Music]
[Music] And I gotta be a wild one
Ooh, yeah [Music]
[Music] I'm a wild one [Music]
[Music] Gonna break the news
Gonna keep on moving wild [Music]
[Music] Gonna keep on swingin', baby
I'm a real wild child [Music]
[ Brakes Screech,
Engine Lurches ]
[ Man ] Now, wait a minute.
You don't seem to understand me.
That's my job. At the end of the month,
I collect everybody's rent.
Now give me the money,
or you're outta here.
[Music] Gonna meet all my friends
Gonna have myself a ball [Music]
[Music] Gonna tell my friends
Gonna tell them all [Music]
[Music] That I'm a wild one [Music]
[Music] Ooh, yeah
I'm a wild one [Music]
[Music] Gonna break the news
Gonna keep on moving wild [Music]
[Music] Gonna keep on swinging, baby
I'm a real wild child [Music]
[ Engine Revving, Lurching ]