[ Brakes Screech ]
No, that's rent. You should go for him.
You look hot tonight.
Don't take less than a hundred. Call me
when you're through. Take care of you.
- Take care of you.
- [Music][Music] [ Car Radio ]
[ Exhales ]
Work it. Work it, baby.
Work it !
Work it. Own it.
Yes, you can handle this.
- First is here somewhere.
- [ Gears Grinding ]
Hey, sugar, you lookin'
for a date ?
No, I wanna find Beverly Hills.
Can you give me directions ?
Sure. For five bucks.
- Ridiculous.
- Price just went up to ten.
You can't charge me
for directions.
I can do anything I want to,
baby. I ain't lost.
All right, okay ?
All right. You win, I lose.
Got change for a 20 ?
For 20, I'll show you personal.
Even show you where the stars live.
- Oh, that's all right.
I already been to Stallone's.
- Right. Uh, down the street.
- What, you forget ?
I told you no dates tonight.
- Go.
- Let's go.
- Hey, where you goin', baby ? Vivian !
Lights ! Lights would be good here.
I guess this is not the greatest time
to be a hooker, is it ?
Look, I use condoms always.
I get checked out once a month
at the free clinic.
Not only am I better in the sack
than an amateur, I am probably safer.
I like that.
That's very good.
Should have that printed
on your business card.
- If you're makin' fun of me,
I don't like it.
- No, I'm not making fun of you.
No, I'm not makin'-- I'm not.
I wouldn't offend you. I'm sorry.
What's your name ?
What do you want it to be ?
- Vivian. My name is Vivian.
- Vivian.
- So, what hotel you stayin' at ?
- The, uh, Regent Beverly Wilshire.
Down the block,
right at the corner.
[ Gears Clash ]