Man, this baby must corner
like it's on rails !
I beg your pardon ?
Well, doesn't it blow your mind ?
This is only four cylinders.
- [ Gears Clash ]
- You know about cars.
Where did that come from ?
Road and Track. The boys
back home I grew up with,
they were really into American
heavy metal: Mustangs, Corvettes.
- Ah.
- They bought 'em cheap and
fixed 'em up. I paid attention.
So how is it you know
so little about cars ?
[ Exhales ] My first car
was a limousine.
- Oh.
- So where is this...
- [ Gears Grinding ]
- [ Grunting ] heavy metal... home ?
Millage Ville, Georgia.
You know, I think you left
your transmission back there.
- [ Exhales ]
- You're not shifting right.
This is a standard "H."
Standard "H." Like I know
what that means.
- [ Laughs ]
- Have you ever driven a Lotus ?
- No.
- You're gonna start right now.
- You're joking.
- No. It's the only way
I can get you off my coat.
Fasten your seat belts. I am taking you
for the ride of your life.
- I'm gonna show you what this car
can really do. Are you ready ?
- I am ready.
- Hang on.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
This has pedals like a race car.
They're really close together.
So it's probably easier for a woman to
drive, 'cause they have little feet.
Except me.
I wear a size nine.
You know your foot's as big as
your arm from your elbow to your wrist ?
- [ Chuckles ]
- Did you know that ?
- No, I didn't know that.
- It's a little bit of trivia.
Tell me, what kind of-- what kind of
money you girls make these days ?
Can't take less than $100.
- A hundred dollars a night.
- For an hour.
An hour ?
You make $100 an hour and you got
a safety pin holding your boot up ?