- Cute. She's very cute. Thank you.
- [ Laughs ]
All right. Here we go.
Pick one. I got red,
I got green, I got yellow.
I'm out of purple, but I do
have one gold circle coin left.
The condom of champions.
The one and only. Nothing
is gettin' through this sucker.
- What d'you say ? Hmm ?
- A buffet of safety.
I'm a safety girl.
- [ Sighs ]
- All right, let's get
one of these on you.
No. I--
[ Laughs Awkwardly ]
Why don't we just talk
for a little bit, okay ?
Talk. Yeah... uh... okay.
Edward, are you in town
on, uh, business or pleasure ?
- Business, I think.
- Business, you think.
Well... Iet me guess.
Well... Iet me guess.
That would make you...
a lawyer.
- A lawyer.
- Mm-hmm.
- What makes you think I'm a lawyer ?
- You've got that, um...
sharp, useless look
about you.
[ Chuckles ]
I bet you've known a lot of lawyers.
I've known a lot
of everybody.
[Music][Music] [ Doorbell Chimes
Play Melody ]
What is that ?
- Champagne.
- Oh ! Well.
Might as well
make myself useful.
- Take a load off.
- [Music][Music] [ Chimes Repeat ]
- Good evening.
- Hi.
- Uh, where would you like it ?
- Where would we like it ?
Uh, over by the bar.
Excuse me !
[ Giggles ]
It'll be on your bill,
Mr. Lewis.
Thank you.