[ Audio Mutes ]
What do you want ?
What do you do ?
But I don't kiss on the mouth.
Neither do l.
[ Kissing ]
[ Inhales, Sighs ]
- Hey, how you doing there ?
- All right.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning, Mr. Thompson.
- Good morning, good morning.
- Good morning, sir.
- [ Woman ] Good morning, Mr. Thompson.
- Good morning, Marjorie.
Of course Morse is going to fight.
It's to be expected.
He's run his company
for a very long time now.
I don't think he's ready to have
his name taken off the stationery.
He wants to meet you
face to face.
- [ Philip ] I wouldn't do it.
- Sure, you wouldn't. But do it anyhow.
Tonight. Dinner. Set it up.
Oh, Edward, Edward. I-- Look, it's
really not a good idea that you see him.