Holy shit !
[ Laughs ]
Vivian, is that a yes ?
Yes. [ Spitting, Laughing ]
Yes !
I'll be gone most of the day.
I want you to buy some clothes.
- You really should think
about traveler's checks.
- We may be going out evenings.
- You'll need something to wear.
- Like what ?
Uh, nothing too flashy.
Not too sexy.
- Conservative. You understand ?
- Boring.
Elegant. Any questions ?
- Can I call you Eddie ?
- Not if you expect me to answer.
I would've stayed for 2,000.
I would've paid four.
- I'll see you tonight.
- Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice,
you're never gonna
wanna let me go.
Three thousand for six days.
And, Vivian, I will let you go.
But I'm here now.
[ Laughing Wildly ]
[ Whooping ]
Three thousand dollars !
[ Phone Ringing ]
Hello ?
I called and called.
Where were you last night ?
- Ma ?
- It's Viv.
Oh. Hi. I had to party.
Where are you ?
Oh, man. Are you ready
for this ? The guy ?
The Lotus ? I am in his hotel room
in Beverly Hills.
The penthouse. His bathroom is bigger
than the Blue Banana !
Do I have to hear this ?
Kit, he wants me to stay the whole week.
And you know what he's gonna give me ?
- Guess. You'll never guess.
- [ Slurps ]
- Three thousand dollars.
- Bullshit !