Here we are! Isn't this exciting?
Right, everybody out.
This is gonna be so great!
OK, now, everybody over by the house.
This is Junior's first day at his new home.
OK, I want everyone over. Come on.
Junior, put your suitcase down here.
Darling, I want you to hug him.
A lot of teeth. I want everybody to be happy.
- Smile and say, "cheese doodles!"
- Cheese doodles!
That's great, that's terrific.
How come you adopted me?
How come you just didn't have a baby?
Well, gee...
With a baby, you never know
what you're getting. It could be a dud.
But with you there's no surprise.
- Mr Peabody told us how terrific you are.
- He did?
Sure. He said that you were voted
most popular orphan two years in a row.
That was smart of him.
- In we go.
- Wow. This is a great house.
We're going to keep it neat and clean,
aren't we?
I hope you guys are insured.
And you have a cat. Here, kitty-kitty.
No, Junior, make nice with kitty.
Only pet her this way.
I've never seen Fuzzball act like that.
Junior, come here. I want you to meet Polly.
- Polly, say hello to Junior.
- Hello. Hello.
Is that the only word he knows?
- Yes. I want to show you the house.
- Uh-oh!
- Do I get my own bed?
- This is the big time! You get your own room!
- Wow!
- I hope you like clowns.
Oh, my God. They're retarded.
So, what do you think, big guy?
Well, there sure are a lot of clowns.