We've adopted Satan.
I don't now what you could've been
thinking about! We've done all we can.
Now, you wait right here.
I'm gonna get the priest.
Hello, Mr Healy. Remember me?
You sold me a canteen.
Boy, did we have a great camping trip!
I caught three fish. My dad was really proud.
Blow it out your ass.
Junior. Junior!
Get back here, you little heathen!
Junior! Where are you, you little creep?
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
Father? Father?
Father, I'm at the end of my rope.
It's about my kid.
He's a real problem. He does terrible things.
My father hates him. My wife hates him.
Everybody hates him.
Everybody except me. And I've had it.
God! I've failed, Father. The kid hates me.
It's time I faced up to what I do have to do.
I'm gonna take him back to the orphanage.
No, no, you don't want to do that!
That's the worst thing you could do!
- Can I call you back?
- He's all yours.
- Can we discuss this?
- There is nothing to discuss.
- We're signing him back over to you now!
- Bad parents make bad children!