Welcome to Der Wienerschnitzel.
May I take your order, please?
Yeah. I want...
You want whale sperm with that?
I hate the Sixties,
I hate school...
I hate principals.
I hate vice principals...
but my true, pure,
refined hatred...
is reserved
for guidance counselors.
Happy Harry just happens
to have in his very hands...
a copy of a memo written
by one Mr. David Deaver...
guidance counselor
to one Miss Loretta Creswood,
high school principal.
"I find Cheryl unremorseful...
"about her unfortunate
Bastard can't even say
she's knocked up.
What channel?
"And she's unwilling
to minimize its effect...
"on the morale
of the student population."
Guidance counselors.
lf they knew anything
about career moves...
would they have ended up
as guidance counselors?
What do you say
we call Deaver up, huh?
Hard Harry
just happens to have...
the home phone numbers
of every employee...
of the Paradise Hills
school commission.
Here we go.
There you are, Mr. Deavski.
Deaver residence.
David Deaver speaking.
Hey, this is WKPS.
You're live.
We're doing a piece
on high schools.
We understand that you're
a guidance counselor.
I'm head of guidance...
here at Hubert Humphrey High
in Paradise Hills, Arizona.
l've been here seven years.
Could you tell us a bit
about what you do?
I run a comprehensive
American values program.
ln which we discuss...
ethical situations...
sex education,
drug awareness...
What do you say to young people
who look around at the world...
and see that it's become,
you know, like, a...