I never meant to hurt anyone.
I'm sorry, Malcolm.
I never said...
don't do it.
I'm sorry.
Anyway...that's it.
The show's over.
I'm done.
Stick a fork in me.
It's been grand.
This is Hard Harry
saying sayonara.
Over and out.
Come on, you can't do this.
This is a joke, right?
Come on, Harry, baby,
don't stiff.
What am I doing?
Fuck it.
You hear about some kid,
did something stupid--
something desperate.
What possessed him?
How could he do
such a terrible thing?
Well, come here.
It's really quite simple,
Consider the life
of a teenager, huh?
You have parents and teachers
telling you what to do.
You have movies, magazines,
and TV telling you what to do...
but you know
what you have to do.
Your job, your purpose...
is to get accepted,
get a cute girlfriend...
think up something great to do
for the rest of your life.
What if you're confused
and can't imagine a career?
What if you're funny-looking
and can't get a girlfriend?
You see,
no one wants to hear it.
But the terrible secret...
is that being young...
is sometimes less fun
than being dead.