What did they do to you?
-You Donald?
I'm Joey.
Can you get me into the P.A.?
Stay hard!
All right! Yeah!
The truth is a virus!
That's it for music
in the alcove.
And from now on...
anyone caught defacing
school property is expelled.
David Deaver speaking
Who is this
Who--who--who is this
You just hold on a minute there
David Deaver speaking
David Deaver speaking
What's happening?
What's going on?
It's Mr. Deaver.
David Deaver speaking
Admit what
lt won't stop.
Turn the speaker system.
Shut off the whole system.
We can't!
Shut down the whole school.
You just--you just
-All right, Randy.
-Check this out.
You're the TV guy, right?
Want to interview me?
Because I was listening
the first night it was on...
and I'm amazing.
Here. Plug it in.
I used to go here, you know?
But they kicked me out
for no reason.
Know what I'm saying?
Check it out.
School colors, you know?
It's instant pep rally.
The smog's getting worse
and worse in this town.