Pump Up the Volume

right after you suggested it.
ln her kitchen!
Her precious pearls
were flying like bullets.

Her dad was unthrilled.
This is out of control.
Students are requested
to inform their parents...

of an emergency meeting

with the PTA
and the school commissioner.

That's it.
It's over.
I just hope it isn't too late.

Just leave me alone, OK?
Oh, yes.
D-D-David Deaver

And I really, really
don't give a damn

I really don't know anything
Because I haven't got it
Have you guys listened
to the Hard Harry show?

We would never, ever
listen to trash like that.

He's obscene, dude.
Yo, Mom.
Yo, I'm D-D-David Deaver
Is that box
registered to a name?

Yes, of course that box
is registered to a name...

but I can't give it out to you.
But you can to me.
Yes, sir, I can do it for you.
I will give it to you instantly.

That box is rented
to Mr. Charles U. Farley...

One-one-two-two Crescent.
But that's the address
of the school.

Chuck U. Farley.
ln a follow up
to Monday's tragic suicide...

we have a story
on Paige Woodward...

who was a senior
at the same high school...

who, apparently at
the urging of the pirate DJ...

set off an explosion
in her family's home.

Are you OK, Mark?
Don't worry. I'm not gonna
blow up the kitchen.

Very funny, darling.
Listen to this.
...still anonymous
radio operator.

He's been charged with
criminal solicitation...

in the suicide death
of Malcolm Kaiser.
