Nude women!
Nude women!
Clowns welcome!
Clowns welcome!
Nude women! Clowns welcome!
- Hey! I got three more minutes.
- Come back tomorrow.
- I said we're closed, Bozo.
- I wouldn't.
And that's "Mr. Bozo," okay?
Say, that's right. It ain't quite
closing time yet.
...let's not mess with me today, okay?
I'm robbing the bank.
What the hell kind of clown are you?
- The crying-on-the-inside kind, I guess.
- Look, I'm just an old man.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Let's go.
This is a robbery.
Do you believe this?
- This is a robbery.
- It is!
Thank you.
All right, quiet, put your hands on top
of your head. Stand up.
We're all gonna die.
We're all gonna die.
We're all gonna die!