...I always liked the name Chip.
Would you call me Chip?
What was that shooting just now, Chip?
Oh, wait! Call me Skip.
Okay, Skip. What was that shooting?
Well, the cameras.
I shot the cameras.
They were looking at me.
Quit looking at me!
My God. He's barking.
Skip, we can be inside, on top of you,
in a heartbeat.
Try to run, you won't get 5 feet.
Yeah. Well, you tell your men
just one bullet could hit some dynamite...
...and blow up the whole street.
I've planted it everywhere, you know.
Don't you think I know
how you plan to get out?
Switch on a recorder,
I'm talking to a machine...
...while you crawl out
through the third-floor vent.
Not a bad plan, except I couldn't fit
with all this money.
Besides, I've booby-trapped the vents
with heavy explosives.
Come on down! Get out of there!
God, I hate this town.
Let's see if we can make
a deal here, Chip. Skip.
- I'd like to get those people out of there.
- Fine.
I want a city bus with a full tank of gas.
I want a Harley-Davidson XL 1000.
I want a monster truck.
- A what?
- And I want two Jet Ranger helicopters...
...here on the street.
I'll get you the choppers,
I'll get you the bus, the Harley...
...and the monster truck just as soon
as you give me the damn hostages.
Oh, yeah. I'm sure
no harm will come to me...
...once I'm inside the bank
all by myself.
- At least give me the women.
- Get your own women.
One hostage per demand.
One?! Listen, I've had just about enough
of your comedy, clown.