I love you,
I love you!
Yeah. You wanted to see me, Pat?
Shut the door.
You've been working for me
for three months today...
and you haven't sold
one set of blinds.
Can I sit down here?
Face it, Nick...
You're just not a salesman.
Oh, Pat, don't say that.
You're hurting me.
I gotta let you go.
No, Pat. No. Not yet!
You see, I...
I've got an appointment here...
and I'm going down now to...
I'm going to the Sheraton.
The Sheraton?
Yeah. I am going to put
an A-1 Acme vertical blind...
in every window in every room
in that hotel.
But the Sheraton's got drapes.
Hi, J.
Hi. What's wrong?
Nothing. I just came by
to drop these off.
Because I thought
this would be...
a real good opportunity
for you to think about...
going to community college.
What are you,
my career counselor?
No. I'm your sister.
Jeanine, I just think...
that you can do
better than this.
I like fish.
Of course you like fish, because
you don't have to have...
a real relationship
with a fish.
I think you are
very, very unhappy...
and I'm glad we're
talking about it...
because I think you have a lot
of feelings bottled up inside.
What are you talking about?
Does Harry go down on you?
I didn't think so.
Please do not
talk to me like this.
I bet you've never come
even once in your life.
You just... Get back here,
young lady.
Listen to me.
This is why you don't
have a relationship!
This... that... because you are
so forward.
I'm not forward.
I'm honest.
Is that what you call it?
Is that why you're single,
making minimum wage?