Sibling Rivalry

This goes with that.
What do you think?
People really like
those kind of things?

I don't know.
I suppose so.

Would you like it?
I don't know!

You could use your anger
in a more productive way.

How's that?
You could help me
write this card.

It might calm you down.
What's the present for?
A party.
But I'm having second thoughts
about going.

OK. Everything's ready.
Your order's in.

Let's see...
I got the address.

They're making up your basket
in the back...

and we'll send it out
as soon as it's done.

OK. Thanks.
You done with that card yet?
Not yet.
I was just getting some help.

What do you say?
So then you don't really
want to go to this party?

No, not really.
I feel obligated, but...
Tell them to start without you.
That way, you know...
You could go late,
if you wanted to.

Bourbon and soda.

Why were you so angry?
I was just upset.
Somebody upset me... my sister.
You shouldn't
let her bother you.

She thinks that I need to...
improve myself.

You shouldn't pay so much
attention to your family.
