"Enveloped in the blackness,
I search for some light."
"Maybe now...
Maybe this time."
What a beautiful note!
Did you really like the note?
Of course we like the note.
What kind of
a question is that?
A very insensitive one!
He should have been here,
where he belonged...
with his family
at his coming-home party.
Maybe he didn't
want to be here.
I have never seen you
this talkative before!
Children, I'm afraid
there are still...
certain details to discuss.
The funeral...
Before we get into that,
I was thinking about...
The organ donation center...
You know what I was thinking?
I was thinking that Charles
would have liked it...
if we donated
his organs to science.
Iris, that's
an excellent idea!
Do you really think
that's necessary?
Yes, I think it's appropriate.
Otherwise, I wouldn't
have suggested it.
Yes. My Charles
would have liked that.
Thank you, Iris.