Looks like an eraser.
From a pencil.
It's an eraser from a pencil.
Your brother was a weird guy.
Plotner, you got a second?
Oh. Harry.
Take a look at this.
I don't understand it.
Charles was
an excellent doctor.
Why would he
try and kill himself...
with a thousand milligrams
of stool softener?
He tried to kill himself
with a laxative?
That and 800 milligrams...
of a nonsteroidal
That's for menstrual cramps.
I know.
aspirins, muscle relaxants...
vitamin tablets...
all in small dosages.
I don't get it.
Your brother...
wasn't he doing immunization
work in South America?
He was brilliant.
Then he would have had access
to some very lethal medications.
I know. So why would he
take that stuff?
It's like he raided
somebody's medicine chest.
You might as well know.
I don't think that Charles
committed suicide.
Harry, why do you say that?
For one thing, there was
scar tissue on the heart.
That usually indicates
a heart attack.
Heart attack.
Also, there were some signs
of sexual activity.
What about the suicide note?
That's the only thing
I can't understand...
because the lab reports
came back...
and the drugs that Charles took
are all highly suspect.
What's wrong
with the drugs he took?
Can't they kill you?
They'll give you the runs,
numb your ovaries...
and give you a very relaxed take
on your situation...
but they won't kill you.
I don't see why you have to
turn this into a police case.
Charles is dead.
Why don't you just let it be
and bury the man?
I can't, Marjorie.
I can't bury him...
until I find out
what happened.