Thank you.
You OK?
- Are you all right?
- It's OK.
I see you at work.
You work in the bakery?
I'm in the canteen.
Behind the mashed potatoes.
Nobody ever looks at the cook.
Well, um... thanks.
You were really nice to stick
your neck out back there.
You could have gotten hurt.
I didn't.
Well, it's lucky
you were on the bus.
I don't usually take the bus,
but they stole my bike.
Um, would you take some money...
and, I don't know,
have a beer on me?
Lady, I don't want your money.
- Anyway, you don't have any.
- Yes, I do.
I keep a five-dollar bill
rolled up in my shoe. Here.
No, no.
Keep it for the next time.
There's not going to be
a next time.
I believe you.
I'm Stanley Cox.
Iris King.
Stay out of harm's way,
Mrs. King.
- I'll try, Mr. Cox.
- Good.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- What did the doctor say?
- They're going to do a scrape.
- When?
- A couple of weeks.