I like a bike better...
cleaner, cheaper.
I'd take a new green Chevy
if I could make the payments.
This town's getting too big.
I'd like to move to the country,
away from people.
Get some Rhode Island reds,
some cows for milk...
maybe put a hex sign
up on my barn.
How about some barbed wire?
Oh, a mean dog would do.
Have you always been a cook?
I'm a good cook. I like to cook.
Listen, excuse me, but the food
in the canteen is lousy.
The boss is cheap.
He won't buy good stuff.
You got to buy good stuff
for good food.
With me, it's got to come
out of a box or a can...
whatever's fast.
That's my house.
Hi, Stanley! Hi!
And that's my father.
You still live at home
with your father?
I wasn't born until he was 50.
He likes to have me around.
Does he get along
with your wife?
I don't have one.
You live at home
with your father...
you do your own cooking,
and you're not married.
Is that the whole story?
I think that's about as much
as I'm going to talk about.
All right.
What do you do with yourself
after work?
I go to the movies.
I take a bag of popcorn.
- You don't mix much, do you?
- No.
You got something
that's catching?
I think I'm about
out of small talk.
I didn't stick my thumb out,
Mr. Cox.
You offered to give me a ride.
This is it, right here.