You see, I like bright lights
and a lot of people.
I see you're feeling
pretty good today.
You're wearing
your pink sweater.
That's what you wear
when you feel good.
When you feel bad,
you wear the gray one.
I only have two sweaters.
Am I right or wrong?
You're watching me.
You stand out.
Let's take a look
at these fortune cookies.
"Make new friends
and trust them."
Did you write this?
No, but it seems like
pretty good advice.
What did you get?
Open it.
No, no point in opening mine.
I'm not lucky.
I better go pick up my wash.
We need a refill on shrink wrap.
You were fifteen minutes
in the toilet.
You get a five-minute break
on this line.
I had cramps.
Have them in five minutes.
That's your limit.
And you, get your hair
up inside your net.
Fuck this factory and fuck him.
Oh, looks like we got ourselves
a new flavor.