That's easy.
A big check.
"Finish this sentence...
I hope that..."
I hope I don't make
a damn fool of myself.
"Finish this question...
I wonder if..."
I wonder if I'm smart enough.
"Finish this sentence...
I'm good at..."
I'm good at getting
the right teacher.
It's a Seiko! Thanks, mom.
That's for making your bed
and graduating grammar school...
and putting the toilet seat
down for us ladies.
All right, mine's next.
Most of the time, that is.
You look just like your old man.
You walk like him.
You act like him.
He's a hard act to follow,
You're going to do him proud.
Honey. Honey.
Oh, I've got to quit this.
Oh, listen,
go ahead, have a good cry.
Why do they call it a good cry?
All it does
is make you look like hell.