You want a cookie?
I made them myself.
No, thanks.
Well, why don't we
just wade in?
I want to know
how this happened to you.
Did you drop out of school?
Were you smoking dope or what?
Where was your family?
Where were your teachers?
my father was
a tableware salesman...
silver plate stuff,
not real sterling.
He went all over the country,
and I went with him.
Lived in motels, went to
a different school every month.
Most of the time
I didn't even know...
what state of the union
I was in.
I'd stay up late looking at
old westerns with John Wayne...
or playing two-handed poker
with my father...
or listening to people fighting
in the next room.
And in the morning,
I'd eat a cold doughnut...
and find a seat in the last row
of the classroom...
and slide down on my tail bone
and just sleep.
Somebody would say, "Hey, you!"
I'd open up an eye,
and they'd say...
"Where's the mouth
of the Mississippi?"
And I'd scratch my head,
and they'd say, "Next!"
And I'd go back to sleep.
And when I woke up,
I'd be in a different school.
That's how it went.
It just all went by me.
I've been...
a big dummy ever since.