What do you think?
Do you want it?
This is a Norway maple.
Latin name, acer platinoides.
Turns red in the fall.
Very, very pretty.
You know,
the red leaves in the fall.
Very, very pretty.
How did you find out
about all that?
I asked.
I took the leaves to a Japanese
nursery, said I liked trees.
They said,
"We like trees, too."
So, we sat on a manure sack...
and talked about it
for a couple of hours.
This is a red oak.
Latin name, quercus rubra.
It'll outlive us both.
- That one?
- Mm-hmm.
How old do you think it is now?
I'd say it's about
three hundred years old.
Let's go sit down over here.
I lost my dad, too,
not too long ago.
My dad was sick for a long time.
The thing of it is, see,
I, uh...
I had to put him in a home.
I couldn't read,
so I couldn't hold down a job.
I couldn't take care of him.
If I'd been able to read,
he might still be alive.
I'm... I'm afraid of the dark.