(? "White City" by the Pogues)
He's wearing a silk suit.
He's got crocodile shoes.
I said "I don't care what fucking shoes
you wear. You're still a crack dealer."
The guy says "I didn't know
I was in your neighbourhood, man."
Like his balls were in his throat.
"Don't go to pieces" I tell him.
Then he gets the joke.
- Who the fuck is this?
- What do you want?
- Whatever you're having.
- Fuck you.
Trying to hurt my feelings?
Won't introduce me to your friends?
- Terry?
- That took you fucking long enough.
Terry Noonan. Terry.
- Terry Noonan.
- Hey, motherfucker.
You fuckin'... Come here, come here.
Where you fuckin' been, man? Oh, man.
(man yells)
- It's great to fucking see ya.
- Hey.
This is my best fucking friend.
See, I love this fucking guy.
Where you been, fucking Mars?
You're looking good.
I gotta take my lord here for a stroll.
- I gotta talk to you.
- Wanna go somewhere?
- Yeah.
- OK.
Hey, catch you guys later, all right?
Give me this, give me this.