- Put 'em back.
- They're in. They're in.
- They're in. All right?
- You're a sick pup.
- I know.
- You're a very sick pup.
What's this? Come here.
See this gun I got here?
I love this fucking gun.
- I usually shoot straight when I'm drunk.
- You mean you were aiming?
Thank God you're back. I was feeling like
the last fucking Irishman in the Kitchen.
Terry, you've been away
too long. You gotta wake up.
Never do business with a greaser.
The cops get him, they got an eyewitness.
And an eyewitness puts you away.
Unless it's around here.
The cops can't do shit around here.
Now, me and Frankie took
this union guy out last year.
Went up to him on the street,
popped his button.
There must've been 50 witnesses.
Cops were all over the Kitchen
asking questions.
This one asshole raised his hand.
Cops found his head spinning
inside a washer- dryer over on 47th.
Haven't heard from the cops in a year.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Jackie, where the hell were you?
- Kate.
I waited for you. You said you'd come by.
- When?
- You don't remember?
- At my apartment.
- You shouldn't have moved so far away.
She moved all the fucking way
uptown. Who can get there?
Oh, right. You get above the 50s,
you get disoriented.
Hello, Kathleen.
- Well.
- It's Terry Noonan. He showed up.
- Look what the cat dragged in.
- How are you?
I thought you were...
Where did we think he was?
Nobody knew.
So, you got nostalgic for mayhem?
Yeah, he just appeared.
It's like angels were flying by,
so they dropped him off.