Look what the fuckin' cat dragged in.
Nice to see you, Terry.
You remember Maureen?
- How you doin'?
- Come on inside. We should talk.
- I'm Pat.
- How you doin'?
Play with the kids, OK, Jackie?
Teach 'em how to kneel or something.
(Jackie) You want to see my gun, hm?
Before you began exploiting these
pathetic skanks' addictive personalities,
- Where were you?
- A lot of different places.
Tell me about one.
- Texas.
- No shit?
I did my bit with the Corps.
Worked an oiI rig for a while.
Spent a couple of years driving
heavy machinery in Oklahoma.
Even rode a jackhammer in Milwaukee.
You picked some very odd fuckin' places.
- No time in the slam, huh?
- No.
You're lucky.
I gotta say, when you was a kid,
I never took you for a shooter.
You weren't somebody I'd expect to drop
two guys, like I hear you did in the Bronx.
I'll do a good job for you. Take me on.
We'll see.
You wouldn't regret it.
- What do I have to do?
- It's gonna be a hoot, man.
Check him out, Pat.
Find this DeMarco guy
Jackie says is the hit.
If things check out,
relocate DeMarco in a dumpster.
Noonan's with us, I don't want the cops to
look at us for drug bullshit from the Bronx.