State of Grace

- Have a good flight.
- Thank you very much.

You mind I'm here?
No. No, but it's busy.
What possessed you?
Listen, I have a break in an hour.
- Meet you here?
- Sure.

- Or outside?
- Here's OK.

- Outside's better.
- OK.

I love your uniform.
Is this your dinner break?
You wanna go eat?

Yeah, we could.
I'm not hungry, really.

Frankie's kids are cute.
His wife looks great next to him in court.
They're some Laura Ashley
suburban mutation.

He commutes,
she drives a station wagon.

So what are we doin'?
I wanted to see you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Where's Jackie? Did he stand you up?
He ran into Irene.
What a slut.
So how come you don't have a boyfriend?
I do have a boyfriend. He's out of town.
I met him at the hotel. He travels a lot.
I'm lying. I recently broke up.
