State of Grace

You did better than
you thought you would.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

(phone rings)
(Kathleen on machine) Hi. Please
leave a message after the beep.

(Jackie) Where the fuck are you?
Terry. Kathleen. Stevie's dead.

- Stevie's fuckin' dead.
- Jack? Jack, where are you?

Aw, look what they fuckin' did!
- Kate.
- Hello, Frankie.

- What are you doin'?
- Frankie! Frank!

You see this, man?!
- You see this?
- What are you doin' here, Kathleen?

Oh, Jesus! They cut his throat, the fucks!
- You shouldn't have brought Kathleen.
- I want to go.

- Kathleen, I'd like to buy you breakfast.
- I gotta go.

Whoever did it, the fucker doesn't
get his cappuccino in the morning.

And I do it. I fuckin' whack him out!
- Don't you jump to conclusions.
- Hey! Hey, Terry!

I'll be right back.
- What did Frankie say?
- Stevie never hurt nobody.

I hurt people. Frankie hurts people.
Stevie borrowed money, that's all.

Who'd kill him over fuckin' money?!
You act surprised? Are you serious?
This surprises you?

Every time you turn around
somebody's dead.
